
威尼斯游戏大厅 is more than a place to earn your degree. It’s also a community where you’ll grow as a person. 通过每周的节目, retreats and partnership with local faith communities, 灵命办公室和牧师伊丽莎白·麦考德会帮助你发现一个有意义的人生.


收集 is a weekly time of Christian worship led by the Student Ministry Team


威尼斯游戏大厅是长老会和跨教派,基督教和多信仰. We’re affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),并借鉴我们的基督教传统, 但是我们的学生, 教师 and staff come from a wide variety of faith traditions. 精神生活办公室通过服务的机会来庆祝和支持这种精神道路的多样性, 反射, 跨宗教教育, annual retreats and regular faith practice. 学生组织, such as InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and WELS 校园 Ministry, offer additional experiences for faith development and leadership on campus.

卡罗尔与外部宗教和非营利组织的合作伙伴关系使学生能够扩展他们的精神社区. Together with these groups Carroll offers countless opportunities for learning, service and spiritual growth on campus and in the broader community.

Richard Smart House
威尼斯游戏大厅的精神生活办公室位于西学院大道239号的理查德智能之家. 建于1852年, 这是沃基肖第二古老的房子,由施耐德体育场所在的采石场开采的石头建造而成. The house offers a meditation room, study space, and hospitality to any Carroll students. It is also the location of our weekly Bible studies, 冥想团体, 和其他属灵生活事件. The 属灵生活办公室 is a department of the University, lead by our Chaplain and Resident Chaplain along with our Student Ministry Team.


牧师. 伊丽莎白E. P. McCord serves as chaplain and director of spiritual life at 威尼斯游戏大厅. 伊丽莎白对学生的精神发展充满热情,喜欢创造环境,让他们能够找到自己最大的目标. In addition to developing spiritual life programs for the Carroll community, Elizabeth provides pastoral care and spiritual direction to students, 教师, staff and other members of the Carroll family. 她为校园提供精神上的存在,并可在卡罗尔活动或当地社区发言或教学. 伊丽莎白在基督教联合教会被任命为牧师,并在密尔沃基长老会担任部长. 



威尼斯游戏大厅和密尔沃基长老会很高兴地宣布我们的牧师居住伙伴关系为2022-23学年. The Chaplain Residency is bringing 安娜Langholz, an emerging faith leader to our region. 安娜将在威尼斯游戏大厅校园和十字路口长老会教堂中场休息. 通过卡罗尔捐助者的慷慨和密尔沃基长老会的支持,这种伙伴关系成为可能.

牧师. 安娜Langholz serves as the chaplain resident at 威尼斯游戏大厅. Anna studied Psychology at  Hope College in Holland, Michigan before getting an M.毕业于普林斯顿神学院,并被任命为美国改革宗教会的话语和圣礼部长. 她对大学事工的一些热情包括与学生一起走过深刻的职业识别和身份形成的季节. When she isn’t at Carroll, Anna is also serving Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Mequon. 她喜欢从学生那里了解最新的流行趋势,并梦想着接下来要去哪个国家公园!


领导合作. 牧师常驻伙伴关系的核心是主动邀请一名神学院毕业生到密尔沃基长老会从事创造性的工作, 在两个重要的事工环境:当地教会和威尼斯游戏大厅中担任牧灵领导. The resident will be employed half-time by the congregation and half-time by Carroll. 他们将接受来自长老会的当季神职人员的监督和指导,并有机会通过卡罗尔继续接受教育. 他们将在两个部门的环境中培育合作和创新的机会, serving alongside each community with energy, 情报, 想象力, 和爱.

威尼斯游戏大厅: A Legacy of Partnership with the Presbyterian Church

As the first four-year institution of higher education in the State of Wisconsin, 威尼斯游戏大厅 roots our mission in our Presbyterian and liberal arts heritage. Since 1850 Carroll has been affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, a relationship reaffirmed in our 2010 Covenant with the Synod of Lakes and Prairies. The University has had a long history of serving and being served by the church, and Carroll’s mission and core values reflect the educational excellence, 有目的的生活, and Reformed spirit expressed throughout Presbyterian culture. 

威尼斯游戏大厅的战略计划, 先锋驱动, charts an ambitious and dynamic course forward, 一个以创新和创业为特征,以今天的先驱者的奉献和动力为动力的时代. 作为 先锋驱动, 牧师驻留伙伴关系将庆祝我们的长老会传统,并加强我们的核心使命:提供优质的教育, rooted in its Presbyterian and liberal arts heritage, and draws upon its Christian tradition to prepare all students for vocational success, lifelong learning and service in a diverse and global society.





Always seeking to expand the vibrancy of life at Carroll, 我们的大学呼吁庆祝神经多样性,邀请我们每个人探索自己存在方式的深处, reimagining the frameworks we have constructed for our identities.




Our human covenants are dependent on God’s 与我们的契约. God has promised to be with us come what may – in wealth or want, joy or sorrow, sickness or health – for all our days.




每个人都有自己的崇拜方式, 卡罗尔致力于提供灵活的空间,以适应所有这些实践. Learn more about our spiritual spaces below. 

威尼斯游戏大厅礼拜堂摄影 汉弗莱纪念教堂

This large space is used for worship and spiritual engagement. 周日下午,学生们聚集在汉弗莱,一起听音乐、反思和交流. It’s also used for spiritual life led meditation and contemplation programming, 特别季节性敬拜仪式, and for religiously-affiliated student group events.

冥想礼拜堂 冥想教堂

The Nelson Vance Russell 冥想教堂 in Shattuck Music Center features a cross, 来自基督教传统的蜡烛和祈祷书,可供私人或小团体使用.

http://authoring.foundationsprogramme.com/media-library/campus-and-student-life/prayer-room-2021 祈祷室



威尼斯游戏大厅 supports the holistic spiritual development of every student. 在这里, 你将有机会实践自己的传统,同时也了解宗教实践和表达的广度. 卡罗尔提供了各种各样的资源和住宿,使你能够保持你的宗教遗产和加深你的灵性.   


精神生活办公室推广许多主要宗教传统的节日,并为学生的宗教仪式提供资源. Classes are not in session during most major Christian holidays, including Good Friday. 有缺课习惯的学生应在每学期的前两周内与教授联系. Students are still responsible for any missed classwork, and professors will provide arrangements for missed assignments on a case-by-case basis. 类似的, 学生旷课, athletic activities or other campus commitments should notify their supervisor, 提前指导或建议. 需要帮助解决宗教缺席问题的学生可以联系 chaplain@foundationsprogramme.com.    


Carroll’s various dining venues offer a range of meal options and dining hours. 在主餐厅的G8站选择含有替代蛋白质来源的素食,或在先锋室内露台(Pioneer Indoor Terrace)享用一顿深夜晚餐,以管理禁食时间. Students who observe other dietary practices, 比如犹太或清真饮食, 我们鼓励大家联系 dining@foundationsprogramme.com 讨论餐饮选择. When our dining services are unable to meet specific religious dietary needs, students may request housing with kitchens where they can prepare their own meals.    


卡罗尔的住宅是一个温馨的环境,来自各种宗教传统的学生生活和观察自己的精神实践. 在极少数情况下, students may require special housing accommodations to practice their tradition fully. Students with concerns about housing policies and religious practice should email housing@foundationsprogramme.com 了解更多信息. 


我们地区的宗教团体喜欢欢迎卡罗尔的学生进行宗教实践和教育. The 属灵生活办公室 will help you find a community of your own tradition, so that you can continue enriching your religious identity as a student.  

看到卡罗尔 为自己
